Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hydration During Labor

My stocked fridge...ready for labor!

This past week I've been looking into the importance of hydration during pregnancy, and in particular during the hours of labor so it was great that last night's childbirth class also touched on the subject. The short and sweet of Jane's points were that:

A) Adequate hydration is the keystone to a properly functioning uterus (much like any other muscle in the human body)

B) Inadequate hydration lends to maternal exhaustion--the number one reason for home birth transfers to a hospital.

*There is also a study from the American Journal of Obstetrics ( 2000 Dec;183(6):1544-8) that concludes hydration during labor is correlated to more effective and shorter labors, along with a lesser likelihood of inductions and/or cesareans. 

On the very first visit to my OBGyn, she said "Labor and childbirth is the ultimate cardio challenge. You want to keep exercising throughout your pregnancy!" So imagine doing a run or a run/walk for 14+ hours, the average time first time mothers spend in the first stage of labor alone. 

If you've ever competed in or watched a race of any kind, at very strategic points you'll notice booths where runners can grab a quick drink. But it's not just water! It's usually some form of glucose (to balance blood sugar) and electrolytes (to balance sodium/potassium ratios of the blood). 

 One of the very first things I learned while studying Anatomy and Physiology in college is that "water follows salt." After a tough workout, sweating all along you can often smell or taste that your sweat is salty. In order for the body and muscles to keep functioning optimally, sodium and other lost electrolytes need to be restored to the cells. And there to the rescue is most commonly Gatorade. This is perfectly fine to have on hand to sip during labor.* However, there are plenty of natural options as well. 

By 36 weeks, I recommend stocking your refrigerator with whatever liquids are most appealing to you, with at least 1-2 electrolyte options. Here's what I have in my fridge:

Recharge: An organic alternative to Gatorade by RW Knudsen
Coconut Water: Naturally full of electrolytes. My personal favorite!
          Other electrolyte options include packets such as those by Ola Loa or making your own Labor Aid.
A bag of ice chips in the freezer
On the day of, I also plan to make several large batches of fresh green juice and red raspberry tea

*In the heat of the moment, remembering to drink your liquids may be the last thing on your mind, so this is something very caring that your birth partner or doula can help you with.

You'll also notice several drinks that are not related to the need for rehydration:
Orgain: an organic protein drink, should I find myself not wanting to eat solid food. 
Prune Juice: loaded in fiber and a natural laxative. Childbirth places immense pressure on the rectum, so what's in that little passageway is going to come out. Yes, that's right, POOP. So...I'd rather be prepared to get that out of the way as quickly and as easily as possible!

Not Pictured:
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea: to tone uterus
Cranberry Juice: to ward off uti's

:: For more information on Hydration throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period visit here and here::

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