Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

photo via the lovely trula kids

Today is Father's Day and the majority of it, my new son and I will spend alone.

My husband is at work. An emergency calling him to south of San Jose.

 It is ironic that just yesterday he mentioned a radio show about fatherhood-- how a man's primary struggle becomes one of balancing work, providing for his family, being present for his children, and remaining true and invested to his own singular purpose in life. Hardly a struggle exclusive to men, nonetheless with challenges unique to our male partners. 

So while a warm meal, a jar of homemade shaving cream, and a beautiful notebook from Pinhole Press await him when he gets home, the greater and harder gift of encouraging him as a father and as an individual is one that will take many a years practice: Some ideas to start here and here.

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